Here you may find facts about her birthplace, astrological sign, accolades, personal connections, physique statistics, email address, Brock Purdy Age latest photo shoots, residence details, and more. You may also read up on Brock Purdy’s biography, which includes details about his age, height, weight, career trajectory, family history, romantic relationships, religious convictions, educational background, Brock Purdy dating physical characteristics, accomplishments in his career, and personal struggles.
Name | Brock Purdy |
Age | 24 Years old |
Birthday | 27 December 1999 |
Brock Purdy Bio
Football has always held a special place in Brock Purdy’s heart. Purdy, born December 27, 1999 in Gilbert, Arizona, rose to fame quickly at Perry High School. He quickly became known throughout the country as one of the best high school quarterbacks due to his exceptional leadership and skills on the football field.
Brock Purdy Height
Height (Approx.) | 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) |
Weight (Approx.) | in Kilogram – 70 kg in Pounds – 140 lbs |
Measurements | (US) 32DD-25-34 ; (EU) 95-61-89 |
Dress Size | (US) 4 ; (EU) 34 |
Shoe Size | (US) 8 ; (EU) 38.5 ; (UK) 5.5 |
Brock Purdy comes from a close-knit family background rooted in Gilbert, Arizona. Raised alongside his siblings, Carrie Purdy and Shawn Purdy are his parents. In 2023, he got engaged to Jenna Brandt.